We biologists like to think that the scientific agenda followed in our labs is predominantly rational. But the subjects
we study are as often determined by serendipity as by rational planning.
How refreshing then that a group of European, primarily
British scientists, recently conducted a
to identify the 100 most important questions facing research in plant sciences.
A hundred questions is rather daunting, and of course many
are intimately connected with each other. But I’d like to focus on two of these
questions, and tell you why they not only are they the most important questions
for plant scientists, but actually the most important questions for all
#1 (and it should come as no surprise): “How do we feed our
children’s children?”
Wheat field in Hod Hasharon, Israel |
Most models have the world’s population reaching 9
billion by 2050. That is a 3-fold increase in my lifetime alone. If we consider
that these 9 billion will live on a planet with less arable land, less fresh
water available for agriculture, and with dwindling supplies of chemicals for
fertilizers, the potential for problems in food availability, let alone a
full-blown food disaster, is pretty obvious. Throw into this equation that
these 9 billion will be more prosperous, demanding more meat and dairy then
used today, then the demands on food supplies become precarious.
So at the risk of insulting colleagues and friends, and with
all due respect to modern medical research, I think it is clear that if we do
not solve the problems of ensuring a future food supply, then questions of
cures for cancer and Alzheimer’s disease become moot.
When I made this statement a few years ago at a workshop, a
very prominent scientist grabbed the microphone and said, “If we feed the
world, there’ll just be more people!” GASP!
Assuming we don’t agree with this rather Archie Bunkerian
statement, we come to question #2 (which was actually #9 on the list): “How can
we attract the best young minds to plant sciences so that they can address
Grand Challenges facing humanity such as climate change, food security and
fossil fuel replacement?”
Any hope of scientific and technological progress is fully
dependent on human resources. The Manhattan Project and the 1960’s space
program are clear examples of how harnassing the brightest young minds to a
clear goal can lead to breakthrough results. But to be frank, we have not been
successful until now in attracting droves of the brightest, most talented students to plant biology.
This is not a knock to the current generation of plant
scientists and their students, but a statement of fact that in terms of
facilities, grants, scholarships and prestige, plant sciences, at most
universities take a back seat to biomedical research. Students, who are often
attracted as much, or not more, to prestige than to a particular field, are
then understandably drawn to the new prestigious programs and facilities in, for
example, neurosciences.
Attracting new talents into plant research will necessitate
far-reaching programs and investments. As Deep Throat infamously said, “Follow
the money”.
Sainsbury Laboratory |
And students and scientists alike do follow the money. The
Sainsbury Laboratory at Cambridge
University is prime example of how to attract young minds to plant biology.
Over 120 million dollars was invested in this beautiful new facility which will
house over 100 plant biologists. The Gates Foundation program to eradicate
wheat rust disease has also enticed new minds to tackle critical problems in
plant and food biology. The Howard Hughes Medical Institute recently recognized
the importance of plant biology by endowing a new series of
13 investigators in
plant biology (to go with the previous 300 HHMI investigators in biomedical
But until most major universities fund their plant programs
to the level that they fund other departments, until the biology programs at
the major universities place plant biology on par with human biology, until
plant physiology and ecology are required parts of all biology curricula, then
we will not succeed in attracting the top tier of students necessary to tackle
the major problems of food security simply because most of these students will
continue to see plant biology as secondary to animal biology.
The other 98 questions were of course also important and
interesting, and I’d like to share just one more. Question # 48: “How do plants
communicate with each other?” For more on that, preorder a copy of my forthcoming book,